Like many good things, Convenienza Solutions too began with two ladies talking... Frustrated with the inconvenience of having to fit in time to visit either a bank or the child's school to pay the school fees, two working, Sri Lankan mothers got talking. Wishing for a more convenient (Convenienza!) way to get this done, they hit upon an idea of online fees payments. Further discussions with institutes and schools also revealed that this would be a unique solution for them as this would eliminate a lot of manual reconciliation and paperwork.

To help them in making this idea a reality, they collaborated with a consultant based in Singapore who has over a decade of experience in the mobile and tech space. The three founders teamed up with a UI/UX consultant with vast international experience, and also with a leading development centre; all within a short period of two months! And together, this saw the birth of Convenienza Solutions; MyFees being the first product. 

Teaming up with a leading bank in Sri Lanka with an exclusive partnership, and offering its customers extremely competitive rates and secure transactions; MyFees is the first ever portal for school fees (or any related fees) in the country.